Every day something new is taking place, something grand unfolds. From new towers coming up to embrace Doha’s splendid skyline to multi-billion dollar infrastructure projects, along with the country’s impressively huge investments in education, healthcare, social welfare and sports, all sectors will soon find themselves in a position where upgrading their services will no longer be just an option but a pressing necessity.
Consistent with the fast development in the country, we, at Qatar Tribune, decided to move ahead of the times. The result is in your hands.
Surely, you have already noticed the many changes in today’s edition. Indeed, it has taken on a new look because we believe that although we have made best efforts over the years to bring out a newspaper that all communities in Qatar can relate to, there is always a scope to make an offering even better.
That is what we have tried to do through new initiatives and innovative ideas, marrying content and design in a manner that, we believe reflects the readers’ interest.
We have changed our masthead as well as layout of all pages to give the newspaper a more dynamic and fresh look.
We merged our ‘Nation’ and main sections to bring news from around the country upfront in the newspaper. But that’s not all.
Our readers will find out that the changes we have made are not just cosmetic.
Starting from today we are publishing special community pages — seven days a week to cover all news related to almost all communities in Qatar. We are also introducing special pages on Islam, Qatari heritage and culture, women, etc.
Considering the important role of sports and business in the emerging Qatar and in line with the vision of the country’s wise leadership to develop them, we have expanded our sports and business sections. From today, Qatar Tribune will carry every day two eight-page supplements, one each for sports and business with an unprecedented focus on local stories, features and interviews.
The Chill Out has grown from a three-page pullout to 16 tabloidlike pages. Every day our readers will find a wide range of interesting stories with local and international content covering all aspects of life — health, autos, theatre, movies, music, celebrities, etc.
Finally, we would like to thank our readers for their continuous support and loyalty to Qatar Tribune and ask them to share their ideas and feedback with us on how to always meet their expectations.
It’s true that Qatar Tribune was the last newspaper to join the league of English language newspapers in Qatar in 2006.
However, this newspaper is determined to take lead in the race to win the hearts and minds of the readers in Qatar, with a vision to deliver a newspaper that will “cover Qatar” like never before!
Qatar Tribune
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