AFTER the results of the elections in Italy is like watching the same movie again and again, always hope for but never get a different ending. Viewers, making the same question: Why stay Italians for Silvio Berlusconi to vote? Sure ...
WHENMarissa Mayer was Queen of the Yahoos last summer, she was hailed as a role model for women. The 37-year-old supergeek with the supermodel looks, was a Fortune 500 chief executive. And she was in the third trimester of her first pregnancy. Many women were excited at the thought ...
Dear students, teachers, schools will be honored at a ceremony will be held at the QNCC in Doha on Sunday. The function will be the highlight of the SEC Education Excellence day, under the patronage of his Highness Sheikh Tamim bin the heir to the Hamad al Thani, who is also the President of the SEC. (PG 4) are respected
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