Syria could collapse: UN chief


Geneva Syria will fall apart if the Government and rebels continue to fight instead of looking for a negotiated peace, said United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday.

He said the situation in Syria was is deteriorating day by day after nearly two years of conflict in which 70,000 people died, but now there was a small chance for peace talks.

"This is a very small chance that we strongly support and encourage them to use. The opportunity can close quickly, "said ban at a press conference in Geneva.

Syrian Government showed a greater willingness to negotiate with the opposition by the end of a war that has led to nearly 1 million Syrians to flee their country.

Foreign Minister Walid al Moualem said on Monday the Government even with armed rebels would speak. On Thursday the Passport conditions increased for the Syrian citizens abroad, meeting a condition set by the opposition for talks.

Delivering an annual lecture in Geneva later on Friday, the UN Chief said: "I continue to call for the Syrian parties find their way to the negotiating table.

The horrors of the past months and years prove beyond doubt: the military solution in Syria leads to the dissolution of Syria. "" The Security Council must no longer as a silent witness to the slaughter. It should finally come together and set the parameters for the democratic transition that perhaps the last best hope for saving Syria, "he said.

Russia has blocked UN Security Council resolutions aimed at forcing an end to the conflict and urges that the output power of President Bashar al Assad may not be a condition for a negotiated solution.

On Thursday Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed the rebels carefully be extended to a suggestion by French leader Francois Hollande that dialogue on bringing in Syria parties that service as negotiators between Assad and opposition can do.

"I urge again the Security Council and regional leaders and the people of Syria to unite to address this issue," ban told reporters.

"In about two weeks time, we will be entering the third year of this crisis. How long () we have to see the people killed and displaced persons in this way? " He said he would be Syria envoy Lakhdar Brahimi on an Alpine retreat in Switzerland meet on Saturday for private talks with senior aides. "There's not much political space ... I can give you no guarantee or a deadline or any future meetings, "he said.

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